Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Time Shifting

I’ve moved to the Pacific time zone for the summer. The shift challenged me. First there was getting a drugged cat and a mobility-challenged husband through three airports and three time zones. Then we arrived in Seattle to find our refrigerator had gone on the fritz and learned it would take three days to get a new one delivered.

The new fridge has arrived and been stocked with groceries. The three of us have managed to sleep through the night. And the bruises I got in airport transport are fading.

Now the real time shifting begins. No more teaching schedules. Very few meetings planned. Research and writing projects stacked in my electronic in-box, but no immediate deadlines. Lots of reasons not to start those summer projects yet (hey, I haven’t blogged for six months!). But sooner or later, I’m going to have to figure out how to shift summer time into something other than down time.